Monday, September 6, 2010

Beautiful Painting

This made me stop and think....

We saw this yesterday at a church in Greensboro.  I have no idea who the artist is but I'd love to meet him / her.  Not only do I love this because it really makes you wonder what kind of impact you have on the world, but the other reason I love it is because it's done on sheet metal!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do the Thing

I've become quite a quote-smith in the last several years.  These have been some of my favorite 'nuggets' of wisdom I've collected.

"Do the thing, and you will have the power.  Do not the thing, and you will have not the power."
"Action cures fear."
"If nothing changes, then NOTHING CHANGES."
"I would rather feel the pain of discipline than the pain of regret."

.  I love the simplicity and power of one little sentence.  I store up these little reminders in my head to reflect on, yet I continually forget - how powerful is one small action in the right direction?  All those seemingly small and meaningless things that can add up for success (in any endeavor) are so easy to do, but so easy not to do as well.  I think that's one reason why so many of us never realize our dreams. The excitement begins to fade away because it doesn't feel new anymore.

I had a seemingly insignificant victory today and several others this week that have reminded me of all this.  If all of my days were this good then I'll be much closer to my goals in much shorter of a time span.

Taking action has been something I have been working on for a while, but like many I fell short because it felt insignificant to do 'those small daily activities', therefore I slacked on 'those small daily activities'.  But after awhile it becomes too painful to stay in the same place all the time.  I would rather feel the pain of discipline or the pain of' "try, fail, adjust".

Apply that to your own life. To your own dreams.  What small step can you take every day to head in the right direction?  Try doing them everyday for a week and check how much better you feel about life.  Take a step back and appreciate how much closer you are to achieving your dreams.  Then keep going.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
