Thursday, August 26, 2010

Green Smoothie Madness

Green Smoothie (Before)

                                                              Green Smoothie (After)

Spinach, pineapple, banana, a little soy-protein powder, a b-12 energy shot and water to blend and Voila!!

I began making these at home about 4 months ago (but I had some blender trouble and have now been able to start making them again)  I got the inspiration here.  I really need to email her and let her know that some complete stranger loves her smoothies and is broadcasting it shouldn't I?? 

The best part about these is that they are fresh and green, therefore perfect for breakfast!  As much as I try to eat as many raw fruits and veggies as I can every day, fitting in the green ones can be difficult since I'm not all that in to salads. So having one of these first thing in the morning is a great start to my day.  You can't even taste the spinach, all you taste is the sweet citrusy goodness.  But I love the sci-fi coloring.  Sometimes I take them to work and watch the 'grown men' I work with squirm when I drink it.  Sissies =)

I love experimenting with my diet. It's been one of my projects for almost the last year. I've also been reading a lot on diet & nutrition. I'll talk about that later.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Purpose

I'm turning 30 in less than a month.  Yikes. 
About a year ago I began to have what I can only describe as a 'mini midlife crisis'.  I started by dying my hair red.  I started being more proactive about losing weight (14 pounds down so far).  But that wasn't enough change for me.

I began reading blogs from several people who were really striving to get the most out of life and I became fanatical about doing the same thing.  My entire thought process was, "I'm about to turn 30, and what have I done with myself??"  As I reflected, the truth was that I was not living to my full potential.  I knew that this was not the life I believe God had planned for me.  It was time to take action.  And more importantly, it was time to document it so someone else could get inspired.  What's the purpose of accomplishment but to pass on the ability to others?? 

(Let me pause here and just say that there are several important things I have changed before this whole thing started.  The most important was in October 2005 I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.  Two months later I married my husband Paul.  I quit drinking alcohol in March of 2006 and quit smoking cigarettes in February 2007.  These were amazing victories for me, and I am grateful for them.  I just did not want these to be the only victories forever)

So here I sit in my favorite coffeehouse typing away and daydreaming about the future - which is really ironic considering I don't even drink coffee, but Greenberry's has the best Vanilla Tea in the world.

The right time to take action is NOW.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

This should be interesting

I've been wanting to start this for some time.   I've been told success is in the journey, and I want to document every step along the way.  Especially if it can affect someone else for the better.  Hopefully someone will read it! =) 

Let the games begin!