Friday, May 20, 2011


Nesting has begun.

I left my job last Wednesday.  It was a bittersweet goodbye, since I had been there so long.  The people that own Finley's had seen me through some big transitions in life; Paul in Iraq, then getting married, then quitting smoking, moving 3 times, etc.  But it was time for me to move on.  A person doesn't grow by always staying in the same place.  Change is so good for the soul.

Everyone keeps telling me to rest and take it easy.  I have a really hard time with that!  I think I've always had this deep seated fear of being considered slow or lazy, therefore I constantly have to be doing something.  First, I promised Paul I would make him breakfast every morning.  I usually make green smoothies and eggs or french toast or something. But I admit, I had an alterior motive for doing that.  Paul gets so focused on his job during the day he almost never takes time to stop and eat, so I devised a plan that if I make him breakfast every morning and send him off with some snacks then he would eat and be in a better state of mind while at work.  Then there may not be any late night trips to Wendy's either - hooray!!  

(I've found planning our meals also helps keep me on a food budget.  I seem to do very well on strict budgets.  I really believe that if we practice good spending habits now, when the time comes and we have a greater income then we will be better prepared to handle it.)

I've been trying to give myself a list of things to do everyday- for me, the house, the baby's room, etc.  I wanted to make sure I was at the gym regularly and I wasn't hanging around at home all day. I was doing real good staying focused for the first few days but I am definitely starting to feel pregnant.  I really think God designed pregnancy to get uncomfortable towards the end to help the Mommy look forward to childbirth.  It just begins to get difficult to move around and stand up from laying down. I'm also swelling a lot in the legs, hands and face.  I feel like a bug that got stuck on their back, or like the girl from Willy Wonka that turns into a big blueberry.
  Yea, kinda like that.

I still practice my 'attitude of gratitude' and remind myself that it's only a few more weeks.  My Dr's have suggested inducing labor sometime around June 8.  He is head-down now which means he's getting into position.  I can't wait to see what he looks like.  I wonder if he will have black hair like I did when I was born.

Our other prject right now is getting our two dogs ready to have a baby in the house.  We actually bought a  baby-doll to carry around with us, and we rigged my iphone to play baby noises.  Sookie doesn't seem interested, but Fi's reaction was interesting.  He would lay by my feet and growl at Sookie everytime she came by.  He seemed curious about the cooing noises, but when we had the baby cry he got very concerned.  He started whining and running around Paul in circles as if he was saying "DO SOMETHING!!"  He wanted to be right by the baby until it stopped 'crying'.  We set up the pack-and-play and put the baby in it and the dogs were fine. That makes me feel better about the whole thing.

We are at 36 weeks now.  Not much longer to go!

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