Monday, May 9, 2011

The Pregnancy Experience

That's me at 30 weeks.  I'm sure I'm bigger now =)

No one could ever describe pregnancy well enough for someone to understand.  You've got to go through it.  I have been fascinated by this entire process, even the not-so fun stuff.

My first reaction was panic, then amazement.  We had only just decided we would stop all birthcontrol 3 weeks before I had gotten pregnant.  I couldnt beleive it happened so fast!  I don't remember feeling overly tired but wow was I hungry the first trimester!  I never threw up, although I did get nauseous from time to time.  I'm convinced the lack of vomiting and fatigue was because I did not take those synthetically made prenatal vitamins. I took something much more natural.  I even took all my supplements to my doctor to get her 'seal of approval' on whether or not they would be ok.

Paul and I enjoyed spreading the word about being pregnant to everyone. This is the first grandchild for his parents and for my mom, so it was a big deal for them.  It all seemed so surreal! 

I had told myself over and over again that I would maintain a positive attitude during the whole pregnancy.  What I hated hearing were a) ladies' labor horror stories (seriously, why do I need to hear how terrible your labor was, especially since I have never gone through this before) and b) women who complain about all the side effects of pregnancy itself.  So what if your skin gets dry or you gain some extra weight?  How many women out there would gladly go through those things if that meant they get to have a baby??  I wanted to maintain and display more gratitdue than that. 

It's not like I didn't have my share of challenges during this time of my life.  I had the normal uncomfortable feelings and some swelling.  I cried a little more than normal.  I had a few colds to suffer through since I can't take medications for them. I'm also a gestational diabetic and I have to give myself insulin 3 times a day.  Does that ruin pregnancy for me? No.  Does that mean I'm going to complain about it to everyone like it's the end of the world? No.  I get to have a child.  I'm blessed, perfect circumstances or not.

I had some feelings I did not expect. I can't wait to see the look on my mother and mother in law's faces when they see their grandson for the first time.  I've realized that this is as much a gift for them as it is for us.
 I was pondering over that idea when I realized how much I missed my dad.  I don't think I missed him this much when Paul and I got married, but for some reason when I realized he was going to miss his grandchild I got a little sentimental over the idea.  I did not expect that feeling at all, since it's been almost 15 years since he passed.  However, it felt like he was there at my baby shower when my cousin Kelly unveiled her gift to me; a beautifully hand made changing table.
Woodworking (and other creative outlets) seemed to be a huge passion in the Cooper family.  Dad and his brother Larry (Kelly's father) enjoyed it a lot.  Dad couldn't have done a better job on that himself.  Thank you Kelly.

So now I begin the process of winding down the pregnancy and getting ready for labor, delivery, nursing, bringing the baby home to a house with 2 dogs, etc.  I leave my job Wednesday and I can begin nesting.  I am sure I'll find something to say before then too.  =)

1 comment:

  1. So excited to be able to read your blog and glad you are enjoying the joys and woes of pregnancy!! That changing table is gorgeous!! WOW
